Podcasts I'm loving right now.
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
All tagged good better best
Meal planning is not exactly the most glamorous subject in the world, but it CAN be easy!
April was QUITE the month! I'm finally able to look back and take stock of it all. I'm pretty sure that I experienced every single human emotion possible, and I'm better for it! All the details of my teacher training, and what's next for the Clarity Project up on the blog now!
Day 5 went by quickly, and there was less prep today...always a win in my book!
Day 4 started off strong on the energy front, then I hit a wall. Luckily things ended on a great note with our dinner!
That unfortunate event that sometimes happens despite our best intentions. Let's break this down, shall we?
For me this time of year it's all about balance! Exercise, clean eating and planning are key.
I'm almost at the halfway point in my latest program and am already pretty surprised at some of the changes happening!
My first week of Core de Force is in the bag. My thoughts and experience so far is up on the blog!
Last week I took an actual exercise class OUTSIDE of my home. I know, I'm still in shock!