As a busy mom it can feel overwhelming to plan out clean eating meals for an entire week. Isn't it just easier to get frozen, pre-prepared meals and order out?
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
All in Reality Check
As a busy mom it can feel overwhelming to plan out clean eating meals for an entire week. Isn't it just easier to get frozen, pre-prepared meals and order out?
Pregnancy is major. I mean life changing, body changing, EVERYTHING changing....BIG.
Have you ever noticed that things just always seem to work out for some people? They just always seem to get their goals? Is it luck, or could it be something else?
The first snow of the year. There is magic in it. Children know this. They see joy, laughter, adventure and new worlds when the white stuff falls from the sky.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the past year and how much has happened in such a short time.
I'm getting crazy in 2016. I refuse to set resolutions. Not gonna do it! Something about that word just sounds too stiff for me. Too inflexible. What if I fail? Is my whole year ruined? It's just to much pressure!!!!
I'm reading a great book right now called "The Confidence Code" by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. It's all about the values of confidence for women - both scientifically and emotionally, and why so many of us don't have it.
I can't believe I'm already one full week into Hammer & Chisel! It's been a great week full of challenging and fun workouts.
Real talk 101. I'm a self-admitted cookbook junkie.
December is a is a time of parties, dinners and FUN. Lots of great time spent with family and loved ones. It can be so hard to stay healthy during this time, so I wanted to share a few tricks with you for staying on track this season.
To know me is to know that a) I adore reading and b) I particularly love stories about people that overcome amazing odds to accomplish astonishing goals. Yup, that's part of the reason I'm a health coach...there are indeed similarities there!
I'm starting to wind down my day to day activities and shift my focus to full on Thanksgiving preparation.
This week I've grappled with happiness. How can I be calm and find some joy, when surrounded by unhappiness, sadness and fear?
The past few weeks have certainly been a challenge to healthy eating.
Where I live, the leaves have almost all fallen, and this week for the first time, I noticed that every store I entered was already decked for the holidays.
This place is meant to inspire, motivate and help you pursue your dreams and best life.