
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

My Story: Building a Business As A Busy Mom

My Story: Building a Business As A Busy Mom

I've been thinking a lot lately about the past year and how much has happened in such a short time. After having my third son (after 6 years of pregnancy and nursing) my body did NOT feel like my own. My clothes didn't fit properly, I often felt sluggish and depressed, and felt a complete lack of direction. What would I do now that I was done having kids? Should I just resign myself to the fact that this is what happens after pregnancy?

I was a mom who was grateful and so happy with her three beautiful boys, but my sense of identity had been lost. I truly thought that maybe mothers just don't get to have an identity. My mood, my confidence and my attitude were all affected negatively by how uncomfortable I felt. I knew also that it was impacting my ability to be a good mom and wife, and something had to be done.

At the time, I was a Facebook 'voyeur' and had virtually no clue how to even post. I started seeing a friends' wonderfully positive posts about health, nutrition, and living your best life, and got very inspired. I decided I had nothing to lose, and gave a home workout and nutrition program called "The 21 Day Fix" a shot.

I think you can guess where this is going. I loved the program, almost from the start. It gave me a way to take control of my health and nutrition, and feel amazing on a continuous basis through clean eating, and a community of supportive and wonderful friends to get me through ups and downs. I knew that I had really hit on something that filled my soul on a deep level, and it started radiating into my entire life.

To continue with my journey, and help others feel the same, I decided to become a coach. I had NO idea how I was going to make it work, but I was determined to follow this passion and help other moms feel the same way that I did. So...just like that, I got started. As a stay at home mom, with 3 boys under 6, I started building a business day by day from my kitchen, dining room, and every surface of my house any moment that I could steal (and yes, I still work this way, often with one or two children hanging from me).

6 months after starting the 21 Day Fix. Confident, happy, healthy me.

6 months after starting the 21 Day Fix. Confident, happy, healthy me.

I had never heard of Beachbody before I started, but I knew that I wanted to help others with their fitness and share my love of clean eating and recipes. I barely knew how to post on social media and didn't expect anything. I started small and absorbed as much information as I could, through the vast online resources offered by the company and the support of my coach.

I have to admit, I started slow. I'm a planner and wanted to learn EVERYTHING first. I also felt timid about really going for my dreams after years of sitting on the sidelines. It took about 3 months, but after watching fellow teammates changing lives and achieving success, I knew that I had to just DIVE IN.

I also started realizing that there was a potential to earn a significant income, and wanted to start contributing to the bottom line, so that every month our budget wasn't so tight. Staying home was something I never regretted, but it created financial pressures that I really wanted to start trying to help alleviate. I literally started by failing forward. I didn't really know what to do, but I knew how great I felt and I believed in the program and the business.

I absolutely loved what I was doing as a coach. The more I ran challenge groups, the more my customers got results, the more I was motivated to make my groups better, to help people get better results and to continually grow myself.  This business also was really getting me back to that adult interaction I had been craving, not to mention that I finally started to contribute financially to our family.

6 months and several programs (Piyo, 21 Day Fix Extreme, P90X3, T25, Hammer & Chisel) later, I am sitting here today writing this blog post, and my mission and goal is to help others that might be reading this and are interested in joining my team as a coach.  Maybe you want to start your fitness journey first and then transition into a coach,  maybe you are already fit and you want to inspire other women to live the same healthy life that you do.  Or maybe you crave to have something that allows you to step into the working world but still gives you the ability to be home and present with your kids?  Well, I truly believe without a shadow of a doubt that I have found what I was meant to do, and this could be your calling too!

My coaching journey started with the decision to take a leap and give it a shot! I haven’t regretted it for one minute.

My coaching journey started with the decision to take a leap and give it a shot! I haven’t regretted it for one minute.

Many people are afraid to take this leap of faith. They think it sounds like a good opportunity but most are afraid that they won't make any money at it, that they will have to sell to their friends, or that they won't know anybody to invite!  Trust me, I was right there with you!  I was barely on social media, and I had a lot of fear about what other people would think. In the end, I was able to overcome my fears through the support of friends, teammates, my coach and my own transformation. Now I'm a Diamond level coach, who is building her own team!

When I started the 21 Day Fix, I NEVER would have believed I’d be standing next the the CEO of this amazing company only 11 months later. This has been QUITE a journey!

When I started the 21 Day Fix, I NEVER would have believed I’d be standing next the the CEO of this amazing company only 11 months later. This has been QUITE a journey!

I'm inviting YOU to join me and let me teach you what I have done to build an amazing business! It's a new year, time for new opportunities and challenges. If you've been sitting on the sidelines thinking about doing something like this and watching, now is the time to join.

I have two upcoming opportunities for a look into my business:

  1. LIVE coaching information session Monday night 1/18 from 7-9PM via Facebook.
  2. 5 Day coaching sneak peak into the team and the real story behind coaching, starting Monday, February 25th.

You can ask questions in these closed groups, you can get answers about what it means to be a coach on my team and we will provide information to you on different topics through the week to help you make a more educated decision on joining the team. Please email me at bcortell@gmail.com, comment below or say hello via the right sidebar, if you would like to participate in either of these events. NO obligations or commitment....just information.

In the end, I still can't believe I get to do this every day, and am so glad that I chose to get out of my comfort zone and jump 11 months ago. It has truly changed my life, and that of my family for the better, in every way.

Clean Eating Tip: Finding The Right Portions

Clean Eating Tip: Finding The Right Portions

Living Outside The Lines

Living Outside The Lines