
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

An easy way to read more every day…

An easy way to read more every day…

Take it one page at a time

The way I get through books has changed dramatically over the course of my life. To put it in very simple terms….there is the “before kids” era and then… “everything after”. Kids or not, getting through a book can seem like a daunting project, no matter how much you may want to attempt it.

My simple advice for you today is to take it one page at a time. Usually, it will turn into more than one page but start there. Keep your book (or e-reader) handy, and during a time when normally you may turn to a different diversion, pick up that book and complete your simple goal. 

Reading is a gateway to peace, creativity, and connection. I feel in my flow every time I read, even if it’s just for a few minutes.  Start small, celebrate page by page, and before you know it that book you’ve been dying to read will be completed.

Books to Lift the Spirit