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5 Refreshing Summer Drinks

5 Refreshing Summer Drinks

Summer Cockatil

Today I'm in an easy breezy kind of mood, so I thought I'd post some drink recipes because -- it's always 5 o'clock somewhere amiright? The key to me for summer drinking is to think light. I tend to personally prefer a less sweet cocktail, although I'm not averse to big flavor, and I always try to keep it clean. Below is a compilation of some of the tastiest options that I've spotted online recently:

1. The Cumbia Mule

I've had this one, just without the ginger beer, and it truly is perfect for the summer. I'm a huge watermelon gal, and any cocktail with this ingredient just screams summer to me.

2. Aperol Spritz

Apparently this is the drink of summer 2017, and it's also pink -- what's not to love? 

3. Paloma

This one is light, refreshing and can go right from beach to dinner just like that. Done and done!

4. Pimm's Cup

If these pictures don't make you want to run into your kitchen immediately to make this, I'm not sure we can be friends. Seriously though....a cocktail that includes all this goodness could never be bad!

5. Melon Ball Cocktail

I MEAN....this one is just plain fun. Melon balls as ice cubes is basically brilliant as far as I'm concerned. That ingredient alone is a sure key to impress whomever is lucky enough to be on the receiving end of these babies!

Enjoy your cocktails my friends, and let me know your favorites in the comments below!


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